
Guatemala is Xib’alb’a

Guatemala is Xib’alb’a, and the government and its agents, such as the President, are the lords of this underworld which fosters fear, pain, sickness, starvation, destitution, pain and death.
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Guatemala is Xib’alb’a

07 de Diciembre de 2020
Palabras clave

The Popol wuj is a K’iche’ Maya creation story that tells the origin of our world through the story of two sets of twins.

Jun Junajpu and Wuqub’ Junajpu go to the underworld, where they are killed during a ball game by the lords of the underworld, called Xib’alb’a (the place of fright). Their children, known as the Hero Twins, Junajpu and Xb’alamke, are able to defeat the lords of Xib’alb’a and become the Sun and the Moon, respectively. Thus, the world began after the defeat of Xib’alb’a, whose lords were the cause of fear, pain, sickness, starvation, destitution, pain and death. The Popol wuj ...


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